Manage training participants

Browse the list of participants and reservations divided into training, customer or status. The participant added to the training is simultaneously assigned to the customer.
Build a participant database to use in the next training.
Instantly select a participant from the list without re-entering contact data. This gives you access to the activity history of the customer’s participants, divided by training.
Adding and updating made simple
You can quickly add and edit the list of participants for each training separately. Quickly add a participant to the course – it only takes a few seconds – tomCRM prompts you with participant’s contact data populated from the database.
No need to re-enter the contact information – it will be completed automatically!
Instantly sort and filter the list of participants and reservations by:
- customer
- training
- reservations status
- payments
- personal data

Import and export
You can update participants’ status individually or use the mass update function. Export and import participants’ list in CVS format.