Training management software for HR Departments

We have an endless list of features to help you with your every need


  • List of current, planned and archived training courses
  • Search engine for training courses filtered according to all parameters, e.g. start date, type, kind, status, area, supervisor or competences obtained after completing training
  • Training details: description, list of participants, assigned trainer, training company, obtained competences, number of training hours
  • Managing reserve list
  • Budet and cost management
  • Possibility of defining employees to whom the training is dedicated (department, jobs, selected employees)
  • Possibility of defining competences that will be acquired by the employee after completing training
  • Signing up for a training course: by the employer or by the HR manager
  • Setting whether signing up to a training requires confirmation of attendance by the participant
  • E-mail notifications:
    • about employee signing up to a training course sent to the Supervisor/Superior
    • sent to the Supervisor/Superior about an employee being signed up to a training course
    • about upcoming date of training sent to Participants/Trainer/Supervisor
    • about training validity end
    • about changes in the training course (place, date, trainer) sent to the Participants/Trainer
  • Mailing
    • Group of recipients created on the basis of the participant parameters, e.g. the status, department, date of adding the participant as well as the possibility of adding another employee
    • Possibility of setting mailing date
    • Message templates are defined for each training separately
    • Possibility of personalising the mailing content (automatically entered values, e.g. name of participant, training name)
    • Access to mailing archives
  • Creating training attendance lists for employees and export to Excel
  • Training calendar (weekly, monthly)
  • Creating surveys with questions and answers
  • Copying training with the possibility of switching the reserve list into the participant list