Simple and fast training management

The module is intended for training providers including training companies and trainers.
One-stop-shop to access all information about the organized event.
All information on one place
An event can be described by many parameters, such as title, status (e.g., offered for sale, in operation), the start and end date, number of seats, seat price list, determining the location and assigning a trainer.
- Add and edit events
- Assign status
- Determine dates and number of seats
- Assign the trainer and room
- Add and archive documents
- Manage participants
- Sort, filter and copy events as needed

Numerous options to set price lists
Set various price categories!
Set different prices for different types of seats/tickets (such as VIP, Press, Participants with early/promotional reservations, regular-price Participants). Pricing items can be used later to determine reservation status.
Each price list item has a name, currency, VAT rate and the number of seats allocated to the sale.
When adding a participant, you can use the price list item and assign the rate selected.